I have carried this bag non-stop for 6 months now and I love it! I have had pretty much every kind of bag there is (including some really expensive ones) but seems there is always something I don't like about them. This purse is just the right size, not too big, not too small, three outside zippered pockets, one inside zippered pocket, one small open inside pocket and a roomy main compartment - all great for organization. Not too heavy but not a flimsy purse. Nice materials used. Straps are comfortable and adjustable so it can be a shoulder or cross-body bag when you need it. Perfect for travel as it looks like a small purse but it holds a LOT. The main thing I like about it is that I can find whatever I need within a couple of seconds. Things don't get lost in the bottom while I dig for them. If I need my cell phone - it's right where I can grab it. I get a lot of compliments on it. And you can't beat it for the price!!!